Saturday, 19 June 2010

Dr.Who VS. Jesus

Weird title right?
I'll get into it straight away.

Basically, watching Dr.Who tonight I heard Matt Smith deliver this line:
"900 years, never seen [a miracle] yet."
Is it wrong to presume that in his 900 years of life the Doctor never once wished to go back and see if what a third of the world that he holds so dear's beliefs come from? He could have done it instantly. In this episode for instance he decided to translate the first ever recorded words. Sigh. - That's a link to the BBC iPlayer site on which Dr.Who is located. It should start a few seconds before the line is said, and give it some context.

My personal hope is that it was an aethiest writer on Dr. Who having a little joke. Having Dr. Who say basically that he didn't believe in Jesus's divinity (because without a miracle but accepting Jesus did exist and turn water into wine (/any other miracle), there must be a natural explanation) would make me as an aethiest smile broadly. And only partly because it's having a dig at Christianity. Mainly in fact because it shows the writers amid all of the madness of Dr. Who and the likely censorship by the BBC of content that may perhaps be interpreted as offensive, have kept a cheeky joke in just for themselves.

That's a good thing. Which in turn makes me smile (leaving the "me as an aethiest" aspect of it to one side) just because writers these days have to go through quite the filter (and with all the aliens on Dr. Who I couldn't honestly believe it if one hadn't been called up by the BBC for being, let's say, insensitive). Maybe because it's having a go it makes me a bit happier than say, the average Christian at the joke. If it was a joke.

Just before writing this I did a quick google search for: "dr. who jesus". It presented me with many articles, forum posts etc. Here are some you might want to have a quick glance over:

"Just a thought and I do not want to want to become blaspehmous but :
we do know Time Lords meddle in other cultures pasts and presents and other worlds timelines.

We know that the Time Lord planet has no PRIME driective that they sensibly have in Star Trek.

We know that Dr Who can regenerate and be reborn again (like Jesus did)

We know that Dr Who always gets caught by yhr authorities on foreign planets when he is meddling in their affairs (Jesus was nabbed by Roman administors)

We know that future technology and medicines can seem like miracle cures to backwards civilisations (Giving someone a tablet so they can "RESSURECT themselves - Lazarus) MAYBE EVEN LAZARUS WAS ANOTHER TIME AGENT REgenreating????

We know that Dr Who preaches love and abidance more than war and justice (Jesus asked everyone to turn the other cheek instead of fighting back - this annoyed the Jewish folk who wanted the Romans out of their land...)

We know that primitive folks worship alien visitors - this has happened in at least 15 Dr Who stories.

We know that Dr Who has a real name that he refuses to name to people. Maybe in his first adventure after flofting rthe Tardis he used a false name Jesus Christ when on Earth in Biblical times? He has also used flase names in several other adventures - Magister, John Smith, Thorncroft etc


All lin all....

Could Christinality be based on Dr Who.?"
- from

A Telegraph article I won't quote from due to copyright infringement. Basically writes about how Church leaders are asking their clergy to appeal to the youth by referencing Dr. Who. - My basic point on this: if the teenagers aren't in the church listening to this sermon, they're not hearing the Dr. Who reference. Therefore having no effect but to piss off the others in there. Surely?
- from

But my favourite by far was this, 4th down on the search:
I'll let you click the link:
From what I gathered a Christian site claiming to be able to cure schizophrenia through Christianity.

So maybe the line was a reaction from the writers to such articles/posts as this? Just a quick nod to all of the religious connotations Dr. Who apparently brings out in people.

My honest theory?
It was just a line in the episode. Just unintentionally funny to me.

Thursday, 17 June 2010


World cup season. If you don't know this I don't know what's going on with you.
This year should have been an interesting one: South Africa (SA) hosting (using it as a way to bring together the people etc), some strong sides being fielded that have previously been weaker (Argentina) and an actually alright England squad.


Instead of this, it's become more about nil-nil draws and Vuvuzelas (the proper name for the plastic trumpets that sound like bees the whole fucking match). The trumpets I swear must be ruining the ears of everyone near them. If they're being picked up by the crowd mics they are LOUD.

I've done my research on this. The vuvuzelas were first manufactured in 2001. They haven't got any heritage in SA, just a thing which they've been giving out for free in order to boost the advertising basically of this one plastics factory. Task fucking complete there. Luckily they don't really have PR in SA. They'd be fucked.

Every match is ending in a draw. I don't like football that much (obviously) but even with the world cup it's still just looking like a waste of time. The resounding message of this world cup is that people haven't waited four years for this crap.

Having said all of this though, there have been some surprises. The USA 'beat' England 1-1 (something nobody thought would happen. Even me. Who knows nothing) which was interesting in a painful way for us. Currently, Mexico are beating France 2-0. I know that's crazy because France normally do well; even coming runners up in the last world cup.

Who knows how this'll pan out. I don't have a clue wether or not England will get through to the knock-out stages. I hope so. I also hope that the whole thing just picks itself up. A ban on the horns would be a start, and then some victories instead of just fucking draws.

I don't know shit about football.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Francais Ecrire

A subject close to all of my schoolfriend's hearts today: French Writing.
I am so fucking glad I had french tuition put it that way. If anyone knows anyone who's struggling at French then I know the best tutor ever. It was fine. Whereas it wouldn't have been before.

Anyway. First question was a bit of what-the-fuckery though, it just said:

"You have got some souvenirs from your holiday in France"

Then proceeded to just show a swimming pool. Not a photo of a photo of a swimming pool (one a tourist may have taken for instance), just a swimming pool. Apparently the French have easily manageable pools (see above - that one was placed in a street). So I opted not to do that, just because it confused me too much.

I literally spent the second half of my French exam wondering why the fuck they thought you could bring home a pool (specifically a diving board) as a souvenir. Then I reasoned that it was probably in the exam to represent a photo, like a litteral photo, as in I went to France with a camera and took a photo, here it is, write about it. But that falls down too as an argument, because who the fuck takes a photo of a diving board? Sigh.

What else has gone on? Well. Over the summer I'm going to do a load more musical stuff. So I've been thinking about that (interesting). At the moment I have no idea of what the songs sound like currently, but my reasoning is that I can 'sculpt' (without wanting to sound too pretentious) the sound to what I have in my head now, regardless. I do love Logic.

On an almost completely different note, The Drum's album is pretty good. Not as good as the first (and second) Foals albums though. This has become apparent during my revision: I find I always put Foals on to revise, even if I just got some new music. Easier to have something you know already going whilst trying to revise half a history silibus in one night? Probably.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Junior Apprentice.

So, over the past six weeks we have been watching the BBC's new take on reality television 'The Junior Apprentice'. Based on the 'hit reality show' - (incidentally I'm pretty sure this is how they pitched it to the BBC...) 'The Apprentice' it's basically the same, but with young people. Hence 'Junior'.

Anyone who's been on Facebook whilst this show's been on will know how I feel about it. I love it. I couldn't be without it. But I have a slight issue with it: various members of the 'cast' are complete and utter wankers. Such wankers. This however just made it more fun as I could go all Tucker-esque on it, which was more fun than the show. Which is an issue for the producers I guess, happily not for me and all the people that 'liked' my outbursts.

Just one thing. Please BBC, pick people from your '28,000' applicants that actually have half a mind. Props on picking interesting people (well. Some.) but dddduuuudddddeeee. I could run a better business. And I've had no business experience. None. Some of the decisions they made just made me sigh silently. And then swear more on Facebook.

So, my final verdict on the show. (Don't read on if you haven't seen the final episode etc. Spoilers.)

I'd said from the beginning that I wanted Arjun to win, so I'm obviously glad he did. Fully deserved. I grimaced when he starting telling Lord Alan what he thought (an ever risky move) but that's ok because it obviously worked. I liked his attitude, and he seemed pretty nice in comparison to the rest of the cunts on that show.

Which brings me nicely on to Jordan. Fucking hate him. His voice just grates on my ears. It was like the Pope defending Pedos. Just insulting. Also the venomous cow that was Zoe, like a snake in a pantomime horse costume. Much rage was directed at them in a very positive way. I felt better.

I loved this show. I did. I did. I did. No matter how much I swore at the idiocy of them, I want another series. I think I'll get it. Fucking love it.