Monday, 14 June 2010

Francais Ecrire

A subject close to all of my schoolfriend's hearts today: French Writing.
I am so fucking glad I had french tuition put it that way. If anyone knows anyone who's struggling at French then I know the best tutor ever. It was fine. Whereas it wouldn't have been before.

Anyway. First question was a bit of what-the-fuckery though, it just said:

"You have got some souvenirs from your holiday in France"

Then proceeded to just show a swimming pool. Not a photo of a photo of a swimming pool (one a tourist may have taken for instance), just a swimming pool. Apparently the French have easily manageable pools (see above - that one was placed in a street). So I opted not to do that, just because it confused me too much.

I literally spent the second half of my French exam wondering why the fuck they thought you could bring home a pool (specifically a diving board) as a souvenir. Then I reasoned that it was probably in the exam to represent a photo, like a litteral photo, as in I went to France with a camera and took a photo, here it is, write about it. But that falls down too as an argument, because who the fuck takes a photo of a diving board? Sigh.

What else has gone on? Well. Over the summer I'm going to do a load more musical stuff. So I've been thinking about that (interesting). At the moment I have no idea of what the songs sound like currently, but my reasoning is that I can 'sculpt' (without wanting to sound too pretentious) the sound to what I have in my head now, regardless. I do love Logic.

On an almost completely different note, The Drum's album is pretty good. Not as good as the first (and second) Foals albums though. This has become apparent during my revision: I find I always put Foals on to revise, even if I just got some new music. Easier to have something you know already going whilst trying to revise half a history silibus in one night? Probably.

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